I haven't been posting much lately, but the quiltmaking continues!
This is a flannel couch quilt. A dear friend gave me some flannels, and I added a few of my own to the mix. I backed it with a piece of fleece I had on hand that happened to be exactly the right size!
Old-Style Winter Print Flannel (60" x 71")
Old-Style Winter Print Flannel (detail)
Old-Style Winter Print Flannel (backing and binding detail)
Next up is a Hallowe'en Trip Around the World. I know it is out-of-season, but next October, I'll be ready! 🎃 I call this one Spooky Trip Around the World.
Spooky Trip Around the World (90" x 90")
Spooky Trip Around the World (edge detail)
Spooky Trip Around the World (center detail)
This third quilt is a Bonnie Hunter design called Boxy Bow Ties. For some reasons, it sits in my brain as Botox Ties! Other than string quilts, this might be the scrappiest quilt I've ever made. There is a little of everything in here. I added a few extra cornerstones in the sashing that weren't part of the original design.
Boxy Bow Ties (94" x 94")
Boxy Bow Ties (detail)
Boxy Bow Ties (detail)
Boxy Bow Ties (backing and binding detail)
I'm still working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt, Rhododendron Trail, and I'm doing her Hearts of Hope quiltalong as well. I've lots of projects in the works.
Happy Quilting! 😸