Maymont--A Bonnie Hunter design--80" x 92" |
Earlier this summer, I began Maymont, a design by Bonnie Hunter. That post is HERE.
This quilt is a hodge-podge of fun fabrics.
Maymont (fabric detail) |
Maymont (fabric detail) |
Maymont (fabric detail) |
I had so much fun re-visiting some of these fabrics! They make an overall impression, but when you look more closely there is much to find.
I backed it with a favorite floral--to me, these look like the painted roses in Alice. I was fortunate to have a binding fabric that complemented the backing--the shades of color are almost identical!
Maymont (backing and binding detail) |
Unlike the original pattern, I used reds for all the cornerstones to bring a bit of control to my crazy riot of scraps.
This is a great pattern. Thanks, Bonnie!
Happy Quilting! 😸